Saturday, September 24, 2011

Listen: Exitmusic "The Sea"

Aleska Palladino and Devon Church, the married duo better known as Exitmusic, are set to release their debut EP, From Silence, on October 4th via Secretly Canadian. Palladino, a New York native, comes from a family of artists (her mom is an opera singer), and has been making music since her early teens. She spent time with her guitar recording on a four-track and experimenting with layering: “When I got the four-track, I got really into layering sounds and playing with what, to me, were shapes. They were music, but they were shapes and angles. I was just committed to sketching, almost. I still wonder if I hadn’t started recording with Devon, if I ever would have finished a song” (via SilentRadio). This layering is evident from the first single, "The Sea," off their upcoming EP, which listens like the early morning moments between anxious, half-nightmares and peaceful slumber, awash with a torrid intimacy. Just as Palladino's voice moves from a contained and soothing hush to shrill shrieks in a matter of measures, so too does the sea move from tranquil to terrifying in a matter of moments. Church's love of Radiohead (particularly Kid A era sonics) and electronic music, coupled with Palladino's layering, provide a constant, sometimes driving pulse of jagged, hazy guitars and base heavy back-beats. But the centerpiece here is certainly Palladino's voice, a terrifying and beautiful vehicle for emotional expression and aural instrumentation. The addition of drummer Dru Prentiss and Nicholas Shelestak has been said to have helped Passadino and Church expand their sound and help them refine their recording techniques. The EP was recorded in Brooklyn where Palladino and Church returned after Palladino received a role in  Martin Scorcese’s new HBO series Boardwalk Empire. Check out the track below and the accompanying music video. It's creepy: 

"The Sea" by Exitmusic by DOJAGSC

The Sea from EXITMUSIC on Vimeo.

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